Niihhh hari ini sangaddddttt L.E.L.A.H bin C.A.P.E.K tapi MENYENANGKAN,, taekwondo itu bener2 Berkarakter banget,,, :) hari ini menunggu hasil apakah akan naik ke sabuk kuning atau tidak?????
semangat pagi yang muncul ketika berawal dr tidur yang panjang, ingat KAMU ketika terbangun,,
akh,,,,,,, kenapa aku telat ya curhat ama KAMU,,, aku kan mau minta saranMu,,,, hehehehe,,
YOU are the one I love ,, ALLAH I LOVE YOU ,,, please keep save my parents , family, and all moeslim the world, With all my heart can i ask YOU something please,,,,,???
i want to make happy my parents and my family, please keep my health, thank you,, :)
pengennya sih tetep terus tekun belajar,, tapi apa daya,, seseorang yang mau mengejar cita-citanya itu tidaklah mudah, pengen sukses itu emang ternyata mahal!!!!
kerja sambil kuliah,,,
atau kuliah sambil kerja?????
perbedaan yang sangat menonjol banget!!!!
apalagi di umur yang semakin menambah ini,, im not a teenager anymore,, im YOUNG ADULT
thats mean i need more focus on my work or my study? which one do you think??
mother always ask me when do i marry? she worried that her doughter too old for marry,, mama please,,, i dont want to dissapoint you but what should i do ma??
i dont have a choice,, i need to reach my dream,, i know you are the one who is very understand me,, i know whats you want, you always give me good advice,, but now mama im so sorry i cant do what you want for now, i need to focus on my study, with all my energy i will earn some money for you,, i will,,thats my promise to you mama. I will give the best i can for you. i love you with all my heart. I will find my soulmate, who can take care of me and make me happy, i will.
Cerita sebelum tidur.....
Mari kita bercerita sebelum tidur,,
pertama_tama pejamkan matamu perlahan
kedua cari posisi yang nyaman, uenak untuk ngulet* tau gak sih ngulet tuh apa'an???* :D
ketiga letakan tanganmu di bawah bantal,,
keempat baca doa sebelum bobo,,
kelima merem deh,,
met bobok,,,,
Thanks ^__^
Makasih banyak ya atas bantuannya :)
you so helpful and GREAT!!!!!
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