Yupz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baru sekarang bisa menyempatkan diri untuk nge-Blog part yg III ini hihhhiiiii....................... maaf ya pemirsahhh... :P
OK, It's time for snorkling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hot weather tidak mengurungku untuk ikut snorkling, mencoba suatu pengalaman baru yang belum pernah aku pikirkan dari dulu, yahhhh mungkin karena satu alasan yang sangat memalukan!!!! I don't know how to swim, that's why I'm never try snorkling before, but on that time, with bravery I tried :D
Walaupun yahhhhh harus di akui aku hanya snorklingan di bawah kapal, karena tidak berani jauh2, itupun sudah the best yang aku bisa!!! heheheeee... brave enough to do that activity... sungguh sangat menyenangkan bisa melihat ikan-ikan di bawahnya, oh iyaaaa I forgot something, the travel man asked to to take an underwater photo, and I agree with that.... try how it became :D
I thought that was Failed, but I really I appreciated to myself, cause I had tried it, actually that was really scary but I just tried, then the result is good enough!!!, with those experience, I told myself to take swimming lesson, I don't want to scared anymore, and I really want to snorkling next time.
Now, I love the sea, I miss the smell of the seashore, I miss the ship with a lot of people there,Last time I had scared how to ride a ship, cause I always think that I'm gonna fell of the ship or may be the storm will come,all the scary things in my head, but now, I never think about those silly things anymore.
This story is continue with another part of Tidung Island, it's a second time I went there, my sweet friend asked me to go with him, he is such a good friend ever,, and he is a good guide, He cames from TidungIsland, He is a citizen of those Island, so He knows all about Tidung Island, and of course He didn't need to pay hahhahaaaa......
Beautiful Island right??? no wonder some people said that was a paradise :)
I slept over in my friend house, but I think his parents are not welcome, or it just my feeling hehehee,,, anyway I'm so grateful to have a friend like him.
The second time I went there, it's not like the first time, I'm not really excited on that time, I don't know why,I felt tired and always wanna sleep. My friend is not going to bring his guest cause I asked him. We went to small Tidung, it's quite far, we walked down on Jembatan cinta or we know it as Love bridge, from afternoon to evening, we like a silly person just walking around and taking a picture, small tidungisland is more beautiful than the big one,only a few people there, I don't know why, some people just swam and didn't get inside the island.
That was on the west of Tidung Island, belum di percantik, masih dalam progress, I also went to Saung, and still beautiful!!!! all the place in Tidung Island are beautiful!!!!! :D
A long Journey to the small tidung island, occupied with the green thing as call as a tree hahahaa....
some children bet their luck on fishing, and we waited for a sunset :D
After we played with the sunset, we go back home and take a rest, at night we went to love bridge and nge-GALAU bareng my friend :D
We stayed there for a few hours, I don't know why I never get bored when I'm there, I enjoy the sea, I enjoy all the trip, Because I love the sea ^^. In the morning I went to the sea and swam together with my friend, actually I asked him to teach me how to swam, but He is unwell, so I just swam around the beach, so sad :(
I was too happy and forgot the time, I must go back to Jakarta, At 1pm we went to the ship, That was not enough, actually I didn't want to go back to Jakarta, but how??? hahhahaaa....... ohh yeahhhhh that was GREAT!!! See you next time my sweet Island :D
Nb : Do whatever you want, whatever you like, whatever you love the most, we will not get a second chance,enjoy your life and be happy always :D